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You can easily buy Earthstahl & Alloys Ltd shares in Wealthy by creating a demat account and getting the KYC documents verified online.
The share price of any stocks is volatile and keeps changing throughout the day owing to different factors. Earthstahl & Alloys Ltd share price is ₹ 36.8 as of 24 Jan '25.
Market capitalization, short for market cap, is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. The market cap of Earthstahl & Alloys Ltd is ₹ 45.04 Cr as of 24 Jan '25.
The PE and PB ratios of Earthstahl & Alloys Ltd is 0 and ₹ 50.4 as of 24 Jan '25
The 52-week high/low is the highest and lowest price at which a Earthstahl & Alloys Ltd stock has traded during that given time period (similar to 1 year) and is considered as a technical indicator. The 52 week high and low of Earthstahl & Alloys Ltd is ₹ 66 and ₹ 36.4 as of 24 Jan '25